Kyle and Carisa's Proposal


YOU GUYS! I cannot contain my excitement about this one! Seriously, these two human beings are THE CUTEST and I CANNOT believe that I had the honor of being a teeny tiny part of their special day. SHEESH WHAT AN HONOR (I was going to do this post in ALL CAPS but for your eye's sake, I decided against it). Anyways, I was so excited about this photo session for the past several weeks and it lived up to every single expectation my lil-photographer-self envisioned Also, I seriously wish someone had footage of me hiding on bakers beach for this thang...that footage would be GOLD. 

Anyways, I am seriously stoked for these two and am so excited to share their special proposal with you all! Kyle + Carisa...I wish you two many many more amazing memories; It only gets better from here! :)